Rum reading

Rum reading
Photo by phil cruz / Unsplash

What do you know about rum?

A lot of people associate rum with sugary batch cocktails at a college party, latter day cheeseburger-in-paradise pirates (yarrrr), and headaches that make you want to never drink again.


One of my favorite books of late is called And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails by Wayne Curtis, who has this to say about rum:

"To track rum to its source -- back though the mojito craze, the Trader Vic interregnum, the Prohibition era, the grim slave epoch, the age of the pirates, and the first European settlement of North America -- is to run to ground the story of America."

According to Wayne Curtis (and he should know), rum has been sold short. Nosing a glass of fine Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana, or New England (yup, New England) rum should also tip you off that the quality and complexity of rum can run as deep as the history.

How do I learn more about rum?

There are some great people out there producing high quality rum as well as engaging content on the subject of rum. Many of them are actively promoting their work through interviews, online publications, and social media. It's very accessible, if you know where to look:

Happy reading! We're working hard on our first rum release right now.